We are trying to serve you, the church family, to the best of our abilities during these challenging times. For the foreseeable future we will continue to record a Sunday Morning Short service and provide on line activities for our children and youth. In addition, we are looking at what we can offer in the way of services in the church. It is important to us that we provide the best opportunities we can for you all to worship our amazing God, whether at home or within the building.
A very small number of people have expressed to us how they would like to be back in the building for a service. There are many regulations both the Government and Church of England have introduced at this time. For example, we would not be allowed to sing, but there would still be opportunity for music to be used within the service. Everyone would be expected to leave the church building directly after the service, so there will not be any opportunity for chatting and socialising with each other before or after a service.
To help us plan for coming weeks, please could you answer the following five questions, sending your replies by Noon on Thursday the 9th July to [email protected] We have a Leadership planning meeting Thursday evening. Many thanks.
1. If we held a mid-week short Morning Service with some spoken responses, reading, prayers and time to reflect, would you be likely to attend? Yes/No
2. If we held a mid-week Daytime Holy Communion said service, would you be likely to attend? Yes/No
3. If we held a mid-week short Evening Service with some spoken responses, reading, prayers and time to reflect, would you be likely to attend? Yes/No
4. If we held the next Taize Service (Sunday evening 19th July) in the building, would you be likely to attend? Yes/No
5. If we held a short Sunday Morning Said Service with reflective music, reading, talk, prayers, would you be likely to attend? Yes/No
In addition, If you would like to share with us what would help you worship during these challenging times, please do so in your replies to the office.
Congratulations to the Garfield family who won the last quiz and will be hosting the next quiz night on Zoom on Saturday the 18th July.
Tuesday Facebook Live prayer at 7:30pm
Thursday Traditional Prayer on YouTube available from 7:30pm
Sunday Short at 10am, Childrens and Famillies at 10:30am and Youth on Instalive at 11am
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Every Blessing
Joel, Joy, Rachel, Sylvia and Toby